Meeting Mister Gogus
Clive Tempest speaks about the way we live now and what has to change to bring about a new era in the evolution of consciousness.
10 episodes
The Purpose of Pressure
After six months in Pandemia, the world is adapting to the ‘new normal’. Has anything really changed - changed for better? 0r worse? The coronavirus is still active and as contagious as ever it was. The pressure of the global situation is no le...
Season 1
Episode 10

The Giver and the Given
To contain the pandemic people are wearing masks in public places. Does it change your identify, to wear a mask? How does it affect your relationship to others? Does it make you more of a giver or more of a taker? The instruction to wea...
Season 1
Episode 9

The Quiet Brain
‘We’ve been playing those mind games forever’ sang John Lennon; and then he chanted: ‘Love is the answer’. Yes, it is. But we won’t find much love in mind games. So I question the utility of ‘the mind’ in a world of insane amb...
Season 1
Episode 8

The Story of Our Stories
'Along with the coronavirus crisis we now have a crisis of social conscience. In the resurrection of racial division we revisit a long history of brutality and injustice. The cracks in our civilisation are daily more apparent. But what's happen...
Season 1
Episode 7

A Life Less Restless
‘The pandemic lockdown is easing as regulations are relaxed. The restless world is released from its enforced pause and now it’s eager to be busy again. There is more traffic, more noise. Only the dead may rest in peace - not the restless livin...
Season 1
Episode 6

Transiting These Times
‘We’re living in critical times. The pandemic disrupts normality. Past remedies are not reliable. Future solutions come too late. We’re trying to control the uncontrollable. How can we turn this to our advantage? We can see the whole situation ...
Season 1
Episode 5

When Nothing Is Certain
'What can the global pandemic teach us about living with uncertainty? Our lives and lifestyles are threatened and the future is uncertain. How do we react, collectively? How will we cope, individually? I see our whole psychological civilisa...
Season 1
Episode 4

The Seer and the Seen
'To live more consciously means dropping self-consciousness. How is that done? I speak about the tension that comes when you, the individual, become aware of your relationship to a social group - family, friends, strangers, an audience. I...
Season 1
Episode 3