Meeting Mister Gogus
Meeting Mister Gogus
The Purpose of Pressure
After six months in Pandemia, the world is adapting to the ‘new normal’. Has anything really changed - changed for better? 0r worse? The coronavirus is still active and as contagious as ever it was. The pressure of the global situation is no less. Arguably it’s pressing down on us even more as we face the fact that we cannot go back to the old familiar pre-Covid world.
In this episode I speak about the purpose of pressure as exerted on us collectively through the pandemic and in our ordinary, individual lives. And I introduce you to the intelligent principle of life that I call ‘Mister Gogus’.
This is the last episode in my first series of podcasts. All episodes will stay online so you can revisit them. I am often told that people who go back and listen again get more from them than they did first time around. You might also want to sign up for ‘The Course in Conscious Living’.
~ Clive Tempest
Episode 10 recorded September 4 2020
For more recordings of talks by Clive Tempest see:
And his online Course in Conscious Living:
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